Byron N. Van Nest, PhD
In prep |
Moore D, Van Nest BN (in prep) Honey bee foraging: fighting the dogma (a review).
Pel AV, Hathaway SR, Van Nest BN, Fahrbach SE. (in prep) Interaction of odor and taste on perception of sweetness in honey bees, Apis mellifera. Wagner AE, Van Nest BN, Corrigan C, Seier E, Joyner ML, Moore D. (in prep) Comparing location and clustering patterns of persistent and reticent foragers at the dance floor in the honey bee. |
2020 |
Van Nest BN, Edge AA, Feathers M, Worley AC, Moore D. (IN PRESS) Bees provide pollination service to Campsis radicans (Bignoniaceae), a primarily ornithophilous trumpet flowering vine. Ecol Entomol.
2018 |
Van Nest BN. (2018) The olfactory proboscis extension response in the honey bee: a classroom exercise in classical conditioning. J Undergrad Neurosci Educ 16: A168-A176.
Van Nest BN, Moore D. (2018) How to train a honey bee. J Undergrad Neurosci Educ 17: T1-T11. Van Nest BN, Otto MW, Moore D. (2018) High experience levels delay recruitment but promote simultaneous time-memories in honey bee foragers. J Exp Biol 221:jeb187336. |
2017 |
Van Nest BN, Wagner AE, Marrs GS, Fahrbach SE. (2017) Volume and density of microglomeruli in the honey bee mushroom bodies do not predict performance on a foraging task. Dev Neurobiol 77: 1057-1071.
2016 |
Fahrbach SE, Van Nest BN. (2016) Synapsin-based approaches to brain plasticity in adult social insects. Curr Opin Insect Sci 18: 27–34.
Van Nest BN, Wagner AE, Hobbs CN, Moore D. (2016) Dance floor clustering: food-anticipatory behavior in persistent and reticent honey bee foragers. Behav Ecol Sociobiol 70: 1961–1973. |
2013 |
Wagner AE, Van Nest BN, Hobbs CN, Moore D. (2013) Persistence, reticence, and the management of multiple time memories by forager honey bees. J Exp Biol 216: 1131–41.
2012 |
Edge AA, Van Nest BN, Johnson JN, Miller SN, Naeger N, Boyd S, Moore D. (2012) Diel nectar secretion rhythms in squash (Cucurbita pepo): influences on honey bee (Apis mellifera) foraging behavior. Apidologie 43: 1–16.
Van Nest BN, Moore D. (2012) Energetically optimal foraging strategy is emergent property of timekeeping behavior in honey bees. Behav Ecol 23: 649–58. |
2011 |
Moore D, Van Nest BN, Seier E. (2011) Diminishing returns: the influence of experience and environment on time-memory extinction in honey bee foragers. J Comp Physiol A 197: 641–51.
Naeger N, Van Nest BN, Johnson JN, Boyd SD, Southey BR, Rodriguez-Zas SL, Moore D, Robinson GE. (2011) Neurogenomic signatures of spatiotemporal memories in time-trained forager honey bees. J Exp Biol 214: 979–87. |
Van Nest BN, Otto MW, Moore D. 2018. Effects of circadian time-memory on foraging recruitment in honey bees. Poster. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Van Nest BN, Nelson KJ, Fahrbach SE. 2017. Is insulin the allatotropin in adult honey bee workers? Poster. Gordon Research Conference on Neuroethology: Neural, Behavioral, and Evolutionary Strategies for Animal Survival, Les Diablerets, Switzerland. Van Nest BN (presenter), Wagner AE, Marrs GS, Fahrbach SE. 2017. Microglomerular density in the honey bee mushroom bodies does not predict performance on a visual learning task. Invited talk. Sandoz Lab, Laboratoire Evolution, Génomes Comportement, Ecologie, CNRS, Université Paris Sud, France. Van Nest BN, Marrs GS, Fahrbach SE. 2016. Synaptic organization in the honey bee mushroom body calyces does not predict performance on a challenging, ecologically relevant, visual learning task. Poster. International Congress of Neuroethology, Montevideo, Uruguay. Fahrbach SE (presenter), Van Nest BN. 2016. Does brain plasticity enhance foraging performance in honey bees? Neural and Behavioral Plasticity in Insects satellite meeting, Talk. International Congress of Neuroethology, Montevideo, Uruguay. Fraser A (presenter), Van Nest BN, Fahrbach SE. 2015. Who’s your daddy? Does patriline determination reveal a genetic correlation in honey bee field behavior? Talk. Southern Appalachian Honeybee Research Consortium, Annual Symposium, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA. Van Nest BN (presenter), Fahrbach SE. 2014. Using a fluorescent marker to correlate synaptic organization in honey bee brains with performance on a field ‘IQ test’. Talk. Center for Molecular Communication and Signaling, Fall Retreat, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC. Van Nest BN (presenter), Marrs, GS, Fahrbach SE. 2014. Synaptic correlates of performance on an ecologically relevant visual discrimination task in the adult honey bee mushroom body. Invited talk, International Congress of Neuroethology, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan. Van Nest BN, Marrs GS, Fahrbach SE. 2014. Synaptic correlates of performance on an ecologically relevant visual discrimination task in the adult honey bee mushroom body. Poster. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. Golub I (presenter), Van Nest BN, Fahrbach SE. 2014. Effects of age and foraging experience on Apis mellifera wings. Talk. Southern Appalachian Honeybee Research Consortium, Annual Symposium, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. Van Nest BN (presenter), Fahrbach SE. 2013. A synaptic view of neural plasticity in the adult honey bee brain. Talk. North Carolina Honey Bee Research Consortium, Annual Symposium, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC. Van Nest BN (presenter), Velarde RA, Fahrbach SE. 2012. Quantitative studies of E75 mRNA abundance in whole adult honey bee brains using qRT-PCR. Talk. North Carolina Honey Bee Research Consortium, Annual Symposium, University of North Carolina, Charlotte, NC. Wagner AE, Van Nest BN, White A, Yost R, Corrigan C, Seier E, Joyner ML, Moore D. 2012. Comparing location and clustering patterns of persistent and reticent foragers at the dance floor in the honey bee, Apis mellifera. Poster. Entomological Society of America, Annual Meeting, Knoxville, TN. Van Nest BN (presenter), Wagner AE, Hobbs CN, Moore D. 2011. Persistent and reticent foragers: dance floor clustering. Talk. North Carolina Honey Bee Research Consortium, Annual Symposium, East Tennessee State University, Gray Fossil Site and Natural History Museum, Gray, TN. Wagner AE, Van Nest BN, Hobbs CN, Harper C, Moore D. 2011. Time-keeping dynamics: Experience determines persistent and reticent foraging behavior in honey bees. Poster. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. Van Nest BN (presenter), Seier E, Moore D. 2010. Time-memory behavior yields energetically optimal foraging strategy in honey bees. Talk. North Carolina Honey Bee Research Consortium, Annual Symposium, University of North Carolina, Greensboro, NC. Van Nest BN, Wagner AE, Hobbs CN, Moore D. 2010. Time-memory expression in honey bees: Influence of foraging experience. Poster. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. Naeger NL (presenter), Van Nest BN, Johnson JN, Boyd SD, Rodriguez-Zas SL, Moore D, Robinson GE. 2010. When only an -omic will do: analyzing the complex composite phenotype of “appointment keeping” in honey bees. Talk. Entomological Society of America, North Central Branch, Annual Meeting, Louisville, KY. Wagner AE, Van Nest BN, Hobbs CN, Moore D. 2010. Time-memory expression in honey bees: Dance Floor Correlates. Poster. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. Van Nest BN, Moore D. 2009. Energetically optimal foraging strategy is emergent property of time-keeping behavior in honey bee foragers. Poster. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. Edge AA (presenter), Van Nest BN, Johnson JN, Moore D. 2009. Pollination biology of Campsis radicans (Bignoniaceae). Talk. The Joint Annual Meeting of Botany and Mycology, Snowbird, UT. Naeger NL, Van Nest BN, Johnson JN, Boyd SD, Rodriguez-Zas SL, Moore D, Robinson GE. 2009. Appointment keeping: Microarray analysis of time-trained honey bees. Poster. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. Naeger N, Van Nest BN, Johnson JN, Boyd SD, Rodriguez-Zas S, Moore D, Robinson GE. 2009. Microarray analysis of time-trained honey bees: insights into forager time-keeping mechanisms. Poster. Entomological Society of America, Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN. Van Nest BN (presenter), Moore D. 2008. Persistent and reticent foraging strategies: Energy optimization in honey bee (Apis mellifera) nectar foraging. Talk. Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting, Reno, NV. Boyd S, Edge A, Johnson JN, Van Nest BN, Moore D. 2008. Investigating nectar rhythms in squash (Cucurbita pepo): Effects on honey bee (Apis mellifera) foraging behavior. Poster. Entomological Society of America, Annual Meeting, Reno, NV. |